A common question at the cafe is which coffee should we buy for home use? There is often concern on the buyer’s part when they find out we use the same coffee for the drip coffee as we use in the espresso machine. When you buy coffee in the grocery store, there is a distinction… Continue reading The difference between coffee for drip and for espresso
Author: Brian Davis
A bit of technology to make your life better
Espresso Shot
Simple video of an espresso shot pouring. Enjoy the settling and separation of the crema and a little Bach to accompany the experience.
Coffee bean? Nope. Coffee pit? Correct, but not as appealing.
Technically speaking, it is not a coffee bean. Once you realize this, you recognize how often we refer to it as a bean. It is understandable why we call the item that we grind in order to create a delicious beverage, a bean; It bears an uncanny resemblance to the beans we consume on a… Continue reading Coffee bean? Nope. Coffee pit? Correct, but not as appealing.
Your Heart Might Get You Into Trouble
Burning sugar water onto paper
If you noticed the watercolor on the wall between the two windows in the lounge then we have a bit more information for you. The blue is cobalt, the light brown is saffron and the dark brown in burnt sugar. This video is how the sugar is burnt onto the paper. First it is painted… Continue reading Burning sugar water onto paper